This template can be easily used to create a one page website. This common trend places website content on a single page, using your menu to quickly navigate within that single page without the need for a reload. With each menu item clicked, the pages will smoothly scroll to that area of the page.

Firstly add your content using the available module positions. You can then link to each block of modules by navigating to Menus -> [YourMenu] -> New -> System Links -> URL. In the Link field add the anchor link depending on the module block you wish to link to...

  • #showcase1_modules
  • #top1_modules
  • #top2_modules
  • #top3_modules
  • #main
  • #bottom1_modules
  • #bottom2_modules
  • #bottom3_modules
  • #base1_modules
  • #base2_modules

Note you can also create your own anchors within your site content..

<div id="my_anchor"></div>

Which would be linked to with... #my_anchor

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