Επιλογή Σελίδας

Εργαστήρια εκπαιδευτικών με την συμμετοχή της ομάδας συνεργατών του Αθηναϊκού κέντρου Μελέτης Ανθρώπου (ΑΚΜΑ)

The Philosophy behind the Interventions on Educators? Population

Our experience has taught us that programmes for students, for their encouragement and education, become more effective when the same attention is given to the encouragement and support of the group of educators.

Knowing how new kinds of demands are placed on the educator?s role today, how many unforeseen difficulties arise and how much loneliness is felt within the role, we deem it useful, within this program, to invite those educators who are interested, to take part in training activities.

These activities, experiential in nature, provide the opportunity to cultivate their joining, connection and encouragement via dialogue and sharing of experience and concerns.


In June 2013, a third set of interventions took place at the Lyceum school of Rentis. The 1rst was a set of various workshops from December 2012 ? April 2013 both for students & for teachers and the 2nd was a Greek & Romanian educators? seminar that took place in January 2013.

The interventions designed for June 2013, aimed exclusively at the teachers population and they were conducted at a period that students had already completed their academic year (2012-2013).

Besides the teachers of Renti school, the training seminar was also addressed to the Romanian education professionals, partners in the context of the Comenius Program. Also, all teachers of Renti School were invited to participate if they so wished, including those that do not actively take part in the Comenius program.

The workshops were delivered at 3 consecutive days and had the following structure:

  1. One day Training Workshop for all Greek Teachers of Renti Lyceum

 In this workshop all school teachers of Rentis Lyceum were invited regardless of their involvement in the Comenius Regio Programme. Thus, all members of the teaching community of Rentis School had the opportunity to participate and create a framework to express themselves and to share experiences, thoughts and difficulties.

Topic: Utilising the Group in Times of Crisis.

Time & Location: A four hour seminar (10.00-14.00), on the 17th of June 2013, at Rentis school premises

Participants: From the community of the Rentis Lyceum teaching staff, a number of 20 teachers participated, 5 out of which were not actively involved at the Comenius Regio Programme

Goal: Participants had the opportunity to elaborate on the importance of the group in dealing with crisis situations. In order to utilize crisis for one?s own benefit the small, familiar and functional group is needed more than ever before. The participants had the chance by reflecting and sharing their own experiences and problems to examine ways to utilize group within the school context and also to utilize the difference as a source of enrichment and not as a source of conflict through sharing emotions and personal experience.

Method: Experiential learning based on the principles of Group Forming and Group Process developed by the Athenian Institute of Anthropos during the last decades. The methodology stems from the multilevel multifocal systemic approach, developed by the AIA team of professionals over the last 4 decades.

Trainers/Facilitators: Dr Mina Todoulou, Psychologist, Supervisor for the AIA contribution to the Project, Member of the Athenian Institute of Anthropos (A.I.A.) Scientific and Training Group, specialist on issues of the family, the group, the school, the community. Members of the A.I.A. group of colleagues collaborating on the Rentis Program, Maria Karpodini, Psychologist and Angeliki Sakellariou, Psychology Consultant.

          2. Two Day Training Workshops at Rentis Lyceum for Greek and Romanian educators

 The workshops were addressed to educators of Rentis Lyceum who attended the workshop on the 17th of June and wished to continue their training along with a group of visiting Romanian educators.

Topic: Reinforcing Connections: Prevention and Integration within the School Community

Time & Location: A total of nine hour seminar on two days time, 18 (10.00 0 14.00) & 19 ( 09.00 ? 14.30) June 2013, at Rentis school premises

Participants: 20 Greek and 15 Romanian educators

Goal: The aim was to facilitate the context in which themes of concern can be further processed. One of the primary goals behind the design of this 2 day workshop was to utilize the diversity of group composition as it was expressed by differences in language and culture, as well as professional experience, between Greek and Romanian educators. The aim was to create an emotionally safe group environment so participants could have the opportunity to discover, through their own personal experience of participation, ways of functional inclusion of all members and of all the different aspects as they are expressed within the dynamics of the classroom and the broader school community.

To this end participants had the chance to experience, exchange and practice on tools and ideas that can be applied in their school environment with children?s population for the aims of the Programme.

Method: Experiential learning based on the principles of Group Forming and Group Process developed by the Athenian Institute of Anthropos. In order to overcome language barriers the tools used were predominately analogical (music, painting, movement).

Language: the workshop was conducted in Greek, while at the same time translation to Romanian was provided by the A.I.A. colleague Corina Tsernea.

Trainers/Facilitators: The training team consisted of 7 professionals, all associates of the AIA Institute, all trained in the multilevel multifocal group process methodology of A.I.A. with a professional background in the fields of social work, education and psychology:

Maria Karpodini, Psychologist (Coordinator). Angeliki Sakellariou, Psychology Consultant. Maria Giourgi, Child Psychologist. Panayiota Dimopoulou, Psychologist. Athena Fragouli, Speech therapist. Eleni Pitsiou, Music Teacher. Vicky Pashou, psychologist.

The interventions were all planned and supervised in the context of the AIA Group Process Specialization Team led by Dr Mina Todoulou. 

Related videos: 

video 1

video 2

video 3